Who is the Moon Knight. A Marvel character who looks like Batman, but is crazier than Deadpool

 Who is the Moon Knight. A Marvel character who looks like Batman, but is crazier than Deadpool

Today you will get acquainted with the most interesting character who recently received a series from Marvel. Many people compare him to Batman, but you will find out if this is true after reading.

Initially, Mark Spector (that's the name of our hero, who appeared in 1972) was a soldier, a marine, to be more precise.

He served his country naturally. However, when the war ended, Mark drowned in the abyss of darkness. He found a new vocation for himself — he began to kill for money.

For the first time, the world has come to know such a cruel and disgusting killer, who until recently protected people. However, on the next mission in Egypt, something inside Mark changed. He began to realize all his actions, and he clearly did not like it. It was this mission that became Spector's last.
But his story certainly doesn't end there. The God of the Moon and Retribution, Khonsu, decides to resurrect him. The Egyptian God did this in order for Mark to become his avatar.

21. After returning to life, Mark takes a new name for himself — the Moon Knight.
The author of the comic borrowed the name "Mark Spector" from a familiar comic book seller.
20. In the new look, Mark works exclusively at night. Punishes those who rob and attempt on completely innocent people.
19. Due to extreme stress, Mark has a split personality.
Jake Lockley and Stephen Grant are added to Mark and Moon Knight. These are the main personalities of Mark, but at some point a few more appeared - Wolverine, Spider—Man, Captain America and Iron Man, but the person named Mark Spector died.

After some time, Wolverine (the personality of Jake Lockley) kills the Captain and a friendly neighbor. War, inside one mind. You can compare it with another crazy character from Marvel — Legion.
18. Mark Spector was killed in Egypt by his partner, Raoul Bushman, who killed for money and pleasure.
However, a few weeks later, Raoul fell at the hands of Mark, who was resurrected by the God of Retribution. After his first retribution, Mark watched the Bushman in his dreams quite often.

By the way, Raoul got so tired of his face in Mark's dreams that he eventually parted with his face, literally.
17. Many years later, Raoul Bushman was resurrected.
- How do you imagine a guy who has several developed personalities? Marvel
Norman Osborn and his team of sorcerers put their hands to this case to stop the annoying hero, who could not be stopped by conventional methods.
16. The power level of the Moon Knight depends on the phase of the moon.
15. Moon Knight and Batman.
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We can say for sure that there is something in common between the characters from different universes and this is money, vehicles and weapons!

Mark earned his huge fortune as a mercenary. He created himself a suit and a weapon that made the Moon Knight invulnerable.

The Knight's weapon, as well as the transport, very much resembles the style of Batman.
14. It is impossible to abandon your destiny!
13. Attilan also had a Moon Knight.
For those who hear about this city for the first time, I will explain. Attilan is a city where Inhumans live. The city is located on the moon.

This does not mean that there is a Moon Knight on Earth and on the Moon at the same time, it means that in the alternate universe (2099), the Moon Knight was a woman who defended Attilan.
12. Moon Knight is Marvel's craziest character.
Even Deadpool is not so cruel and crazy. I wonder how Disney will adapt this hero to a rating of 13+.
11. Knight Costume.
The suit is made of carbonadium. As strong as adamantium, but more elastic. By the way, this material appeared thanks to a Soviet scientist when he tried to recreate adamantium. This metal is able to stop the strongest regeneration.

10. The God of the Moon and Retribution constantly pursued the Knight.
Since for a long time he did not satisfy Khonsu's hunger. It was necessary to constantly make a sacrifice. Criminals, of course. But the Moon Guy constantly resisted this desire, which was imposed by the God of Retribution.

And what is most interesting, the more stubbornly Mark avoided the deity, the more pressure Khonsu exerted on his avatar. One day, the God of Retribution received what he so persistently demanded from Mark. The Moon Knight, after many attempts to reason with Raoul, who, after returning to life, tried to destroy Mark, could only find his death. From the same hands.

9. Spider-Man.
In one of the comics, Parker is bitten by an ancient spider deity who promised tremendous power if he becomes the avatar of this spider in the human world.

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This is how a friendly neighbor got the strength of two heroes at once, but with one drawback. Several personalities who had to somehow get along together. In the same comic, Parker became the founder of his corporation, Parker Industries.

Spider Knight, that's the nickname Parker has in one universe.
8. Over time, people began to call him simply "Looney".
Perhaps for some it is not a fact at all, but still it is an interesting point.
7. Once the Moon Knight prevented Deadpool from committing a crime, as it seemed to Mark at the time.
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Later he realized that he had made a big mistake, because the rescued turned out to be a criminal.

Herman Goncharenko, who immigrated to America from Ukraine while still very young. Growing up, Herman realized that he would only go ahead to take everything he wanted from life. He took houses, bribed the court, blackmailed people if they did not comply with his demands or even worse.
6. Weapons
The Moon Knight has a weapon that Hawkeye made. In the distant past! What a time traveler.

5. Khonsu
Khonsu once told Mark that when he sees and communicates with him, it all happens not in his head at all, but in a certain spaceship.

With only one clarification, this ship is out of time and space.
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It looks more like the abyss from which the Khonsu species came, from which, moreover, they cannot get out.

For a very long time they were Gods for the inhabitants of Egypt, when they could move in time and space. Now they can only act through carriers.
4. The Moon Knight prefers solitude rather than being part of a team of heroes.
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But this does not mean that no one helps him. There are friends, home, church and love. Sometimes, though, he joined other heroes.
3. He wears white so that criminals from afar can contemplate his appearance.
So they will understand who is in front of them. Because as soon as they see white, it won't matter at all what this color means. When he catches villains, he carves crescent-shaped marks on his forehead.

2. When Taskmaster met the Moon Knight, he begged him for mercy.
Taskmaster has a photographic memory that allows him to instantly learn various martial arts. However, with the Moon Knight, such a number does not pass. After all, Mark does not dodge blows, but takes all the damage. In addition, he is resurrected again and again by Khonsu.
1. Oddly enough, it is Mark's madness that makes him alive. After all, madness shows the Moon Knight the right way.


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